Friday, 27 September 2013

Not Another Bill

Today something happened to me that finally inspired me to start the blog that I’ve been threatening to set up for several years now.

Yesterday I finally got round to signing up to the ‘Not Another Bill’ service online, after having read about it several weeks (months?) ago on a blog. 
This website had initially really intrigued me and I found it a really interesting and lovely concept – who doesn’t love receiving unusual knick-knacks through the post?
 But unfortunately at the time I was earning an almost unliveable wage and it’s only now that I have my fab new job that I decided I could afford to ‘reward’ myself with this every month.

It’s a beautiful website, and one that you could easily spend hours on. 
I’m currently going through the process of re-designing a website with my new job so I could easily rabbit on about the gorgeous design and layout but I’ll just settle on saying that the content is great and anyone reading this should really just check it out and see for yourself.
After relenting and signing up I also ‘followed’ the company on twitter – and this is really where the story begins.

I was pleased to immediately be sent a welcome message by Ned, who started the company and we struck up a conversation where we discussed what my favourite gift that had been sent so far had been – I explained that I had only signed up that day but from the past gifts that had been sent out, what had particularly caught my eye was a chip fork necklace from Tatty Devine, and an interesting crown ring from Rentaro Nishimura, after which he tweeted me the rather (now it seems anyway!) cryptic reply of ‘intriguing!’

I was left absolutely stunned when I received in the post today a package from Not Another Bill – I wasn’t expecting my first package till October, which featured a small gift wrapped box and a handwritten note from Ned himself saying
‘Dear Tamsin, We all like suprises! Enjoy Ned x’

Love the crest too! Wouldn't mind if a real life lion delivered my mail.
Lo and behold, I unwrapped the box to find…the Tatty Devine chip fork necklace.
My boyfriend James can vouch for how stunned, and genuinely touched I was on opening this surprise gift.
Apologies for my poor photography (and grammar.) I promise I'll practice!
After a year spent having my faith in humanity chipped away by working in a well known but budget department store where customer service is definitely discouraged in the face of other ‘more important’ factors, such as upselling and opening store cards (you know the drill) it was overwhelming to be on the receiving end of what is a very kind, thoughtful gesture, as well as an absolutely superb example of what customer service should be.

I actually turned to James and said ‘I wish I was a blogger so that I could return the gesture by telling everyone how fab this company is’ and so here we are.

Being my first ever blog its expected that I won’t reach a vast audience but really, I so wholeheartedly encourage everyone to check out this company– right now with similar companies its so easy to feel that you are one of many, and so it really is so lovely to find a brand that really does notice, and focus on the individual. And they really do choose such beautiful,  and unusual gifts to send to you, which can expose you to a fair few new brands & designers you may end up loving but might not necessarily have stumbled upon yourself.

Ned, and everyone at Not Another Bill – thank you so much, your gesture really has meant so much to me and has absolutely made my year, and from now on I’ll be shouting from the rooftops with praise for your company!
I certainly do like surprises, and this was one of the best.

T x