Picture Credit - thirtytwohundred.tumblr |
First of all, I need to apologise – I’ve been really really terrible.
Not only have I not been blogging, but I’ve also not been running so after a successful few weeks of weight loss where I managed to lose a stone I am now back to square one and as fat as ever*
Previous efforts of food prep by @tamsinkr |
*I’m not really ‘fat’, but I am fat for me. This is not a result of society’s perceptions of beauty – this is me knowing that I’m a good stone heavier than I have ever been in my life and a lot more jiggly then previously. Growing up I never had weight issues because I was doing enough exercise to keep me in check (and also just didn’t care – when you’re locked in a boarding school you’re going to eat what you’re offered) but as the years have gone by, I have done less and less and eaten more and more so it’s time to get my portion control back and get fit again.
New leggings - motivation via new fitness clobber! by @tamsinkr |
Time to toughen up.
I’m moving out of my beautiful flat next week (sob!) and then I’m off to London for ten days where I will be staying at my sisters palatial flat. Her building has its own gym AND swimming pool so I’m going to try and treat my time there as a kind of fitness and diet ‘retreat’ and hopefully kick off my weight loss – as well as focusing on getting a routine in place while I’m enjoying my down time away from work.
Wish me luck!